Shared Video: The Fundamentals of Design
How to Use Breakout Rooms in Adobe Connect – Shared Video
Adding GIFs in WordPress
In the previous post, I shared a video about creating Gifs in Photoshop. Now that you have your own Gif, let’s use it in a post. It is easy to add any media in WordPress, but a simple task of adding a Gif to your post can trip you up. The common problem is that after uploading a Gif and insert it in the post, the Gif shows as a static image. Just where did the animation go? To fix the issue, you only need to make one adjustment. Yes! With just one move, you can bring your Gif back to life. Here is how. After uploading a Gif to…
Creating GIFs in Photoshop – Shared Video
What to do when WordPress posts returns 404 error
As an admin of your content on WordPress, seeing a 404 error when you try to access your posts can be a scary moment. No panic! You content is most likely still there. You just need to make some tweaks to fix the problem. Here is a video that shows you what to do: For more detailed information, the article “How to Fix WordPress Posts Returning 404 Error” provides step-by-step instruction to help you fix the issue.