What’s the difference? HTTP vs. HTTPS
If you have ever paid attention to the address bar of your browser, you probably know that there is “http” or “https” preceding your domain name. What do they mean, and what’s the difference? HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol, which is a protocol for sending and receiving information on the internet. Since 2014, Google has been encouraging websites to adopt a secure protocol, HTTPS. The “S” stands for “secure.” When you see HTTPS, you know the website has the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate that ensures the privacy of data passed between your browser and the web server. When your website doesn’t have the SSL certificate and the…
Content Marketing Tips for Nonprofits – Shared Video
How To Practice On-Page SEO
After doing keyword research, you can now implement your SEO strategy on your webpages. The most important thing to bear in mind is that you create content to help online search engine users. The content on your website should answer the questions posed by these users. No matter how search engines change their algorithms, the end goal is always finding the most helpful and relevant content for the users. That being said, it is easy to understand why some old, low-value practices are not the solution. There once was a time when some websites simply stuffed their pages with keywords and ranked high in search results, but search engines…
Easy Fundraising Ideas for Your Nonprofit – Shared Video
A Creative Way to Troubleshoot Photoshop Brush Installation Issue
Too many times, we confine ourselves in thoughts built with previous experiences or “logical” thinking. Instead of exploring all the possibilities, we simply ridicule some seemingly “impossible” approaches and go with the solution that appears to align more with the world that we are familiar with. Is it helpful? It may make us feel more comfortable and in control, but when it comes to creative problem solving, it wouldn’t hurt to forget about the rules and really set our mind free. I recently encountered a problem with installing new brushes to Photoshop. No matter what I tried to do, I just couldn’t see those new brush files in…