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Online resources are amazing

If you look you can find all kinds of great online resources to entertain yourself during this time. I complied a list of all the online resources in New York for my company and I thought you might be interested. You can see NYC Travel sites online now.

This page is just part of a broader campaign that shows the NYC lifestyle and features. What is amazing is that there are so many great online resources that can educate and entertain. I haven’t had time to investigate in depth all of these links but everything that I have viewed has been so educational and fun.

If you are bored and don’t know what to do, hang out and look at this page. One of the most wonderful things about viewing things online is that it better prepares you to appreciate them in the real world. Part of the joy of living in NYC is the sense that you can never see and digest it all. So many great places to experience, so many unique things to share. I am so glad that I live here.

I am so fortunate that I can call NYC home. I have lived in different neighborhoods and I enjoyed them all. I liked being close to a Whole Foods, or being close to culture in another. I like the privacy and relaxed nature where I am now, and I like the most being in such a clean and well kept city. When I had to take public transportation a few months ago it was so clean and everyone was socially distant. That was a wonderful experience.

It is difficult for many people and I know that my words may seem empty if you are having difficult life situations right now. Just know that there are people who can help you if you look for them, and we all care for the welfare of all our citizens and those soon to be citizens. These are tough days, but we have gone through tough days before and we came through stronger. Tomorrow will be better, we just need to be patient and wait.

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Danni Mei

I am a knowledgeable, detail and goal-oriented professional with 8 years of experience who is seeking to leverage a diverse skill set centered on communications. My thirst for excellence compels me to read professional publications, expand business relationships, and research current trends in content creation, marketing and technology.